Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Video's I Enjoyed This week 17-24 of Feb

Confession guys, I am addicted to youtube, I spend way to much time watching youtube, every corner, I LOVE IT! So i thought why not share them here with you and we can enjoy them together?!

Here are the Youtube Video's i enjoyed this week!

Whitty Novels did a great post on journaling called "JOURNALING: "What Should I Write About?" It was very inspirational and i liked it, i think you should check this and her other videos out if you haven't already! She's awesome!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Best advice I ever got?

New post!!! I know getting in to this blog routine is a bit pathetic, I'm all over the place but honestly I just want to get to a point where I post at least something small once a day, but right now, I'm all over the place, but never fear, I have a new  plan and I'm hoping it works out and the blog fits in with my routine a little better.

Today's post is about one of the most effective pieces of advice I was ever given.

It's important to add here that I have a server Anxiety disorder that tries to limit me in most situations, I try to fight it most days, but new situations have me a bit off centred, I'll describe my anxiety at a later point in another blog.

So, I study mental health, last year I did two certificates, this year I am doing two more, their assessments are not graded but sometimes they can be far worst than cramming for a grade, they can be ROLE PLAYS (cue dramatic music) Anyway, this day I was to head to TAFE, (higher learning in Australia that isn’t exactly university or collage) on this particular day, a couple of weeks after the course had started we were to do our first role-play, I was petrified.  I was so quiet, the person I had been forced to do it with I wasn’t quiet sure on at the time (she turned out to be a beautiful person.) and my anxiety got worse and worse as the day went on (it was a night class) Our teach, Helen asks us who's ready. I let out a pitiful laugh. . . I was SO not ready, It took all my strength and some major internal abuse, I did NOT want to do this.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


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Monday, January 25, 2016

Heart, Riot, Fire, Dreams

So, hi guys, thanks for being here, first post and all, kind of nervous.

I have a bunch of post idea's written down some pressing issues, some not but i wanted this first post to be a little special and reveal a little about me.

So i have decided to go a little bit in to the words Heart, Riot, Fire and Dreams a little. To kind of explain a little about why I chose them as well as what they mean to me. Some of my friends who may read this blog might look at the name of it and go, hey, That sounds very 30 Seconds to Mars inspired, yes, I can only be honest, it is. Specifically from the song Hurricane which has the line "There is a fire inside of this heart and a riot about to explode in to flames", honestly its such an amazing line and means so much to me personally, it also just resonates with me and where i am at right now when it's come time to name this blog. I didnt just steal their work though, these words are strong words to me, they tell their own story.

I always believed that the heart, feelings, emotions only mean every conversation I have, everything I do, it all comes from the good place of the heart. I kind of see heart as that little bird that you capture, its about to die, you  feed it, water it, nurse it back to health, then comes the day where you set it free in to the universe and it gets eaten by a fox, but where would we be with out that little bird? Where would we be with out our our heart steering us blindly in to situations that are going to be great but at the same time are full of so many risks an- okay now that's starting to sound a little like aniety, - but still, the heart is that blind ship captain that stears us in to the storm that is also known as