Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Video's I Enjoyed This week 17-24 of Feb

Confession guys, I am addicted to youtube, I spend way to much time watching youtube, every corner, I LOVE IT! So i thought why not share them here with you and we can enjoy them together?!

Here are the Youtube Video's i enjoyed this week!

Whitty Novels did a great post on journaling called "JOURNALING: "What Should I Write About?" It was very inspirational and i liked it, i think you should check this and her other videos out if you haven't already! She's awesome!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Best advice I ever got?

New post!!! I know getting in to this blog routine is a bit pathetic, I'm all over the place but honestly I just want to get to a point where I post at least something small once a day, but right now, I'm all over the place, but never fear, I have a new  plan and I'm hoping it works out and the blog fits in with my routine a little better.

Today's post is about one of the most effective pieces of advice I was ever given.

It's important to add here that I have a server Anxiety disorder that tries to limit me in most situations, I try to fight it most days, but new situations have me a bit off centred, I'll describe my anxiety at a later point in another blog.

So, I study mental health, last year I did two certificates, this year I am doing two more, their assessments are not graded but sometimes they can be far worst than cramming for a grade, they can be ROLE PLAYS (cue dramatic music) Anyway, this day I was to head to TAFE, (higher learning in Australia that isn’t exactly university or collage) on this particular day, a couple of weeks after the course had started we were to do our first role-play, I was petrified.  I was so quiet, the person I had been forced to do it with I wasn’t quiet sure on at the time (she turned out to be a beautiful person.) and my anxiety got worse and worse as the day went on (it was a night class) Our teach, Helen asks us who's ready. I let out a pitiful laugh. . . I was SO not ready, It took all my strength and some major internal abuse, I did NOT want to do this.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


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